
The website is now open to receive abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Please submit your brief abstract (maximum 2000 characters). Please keep in mind that each presenter can only apply for one oral presentation and one poster presentation. We will accept online submissions in English through October 30, 2024 (NZ Time). Click on the button below to start the abstract submission process. Start by registering for an account and following the link emailed to you to complete the registration process.

Submission Portal is Now Open!


All submissions will be reviewed for quality, readability, relevance, and originality. Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than December 5, 2024 (NZ Time).

If you do not receive the corresponding email, an error may have occurred during the submission process. One thing to check is that the email has not gone to your spam box. If the error persists, please contact with any questions or concerns about your submission. Please do not reply to the automated email system.

You can also modify your abstract by using the same link until the submission deadline.





Keep up to date with Conference News & Alerts


Submission opens: 5 July 2024
Registration opens: 1 October 2024
Submission closes: 30 October 2024
Author Notified: 5 December 2024
Early-bird ends: 10 February 2025
Presenter Registration due: 24 February 2025
Conference Dates: 22-25 April 2025

Thank you to our Sponsors


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